Hello there! My name is Elliot Clowes and this is my little corner of the web. I like technology, reading and walking. You can also see my favourite [[Favourite Articles|articles]], [[Favourite Books|books]], [[Favourite Music|music]], [[Favourite Paintings|paintings]] and [[Favourite Podcasts|podcasts]]. ## What is this site? Think of *Learnt.me* as my personal Wikipedia. It's essentially a collection of my notes turned into a website. And I'm constantly adding and removing notes as I learn and discover new things. So this site will forever be a work in progress. It's as close to a digital version of my brain as you can get. [[About This Site|More in-depth info here]]. ## What am I up to right now? Updated: **December 5th, 2023** - Still getting to grips with my new job at [News UK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_UK) as a Business Analyst. - There's a lot to learn and I've hit my first 'blocks' after being there for two months now. - I'm really enjoying working from home two days a week. I find an office a distracting environment. So when I work from home I can get more work done. It doesn't always work like this. But I like my office days to be my meetings days and my WFH ones my deep work days. - I'm still trying to get my health of track. - I've been failing though. - This is is probably the longest continuous time I've spent 'unhealthy'. And it's starting to show I think. I've had some stomach pain and I feel nausea sometimes. Not a good sign! I'm currently going through the healthcare system to look into it more. *You can see previous 'what am I up to right now' entries in the [[What am I up to - Archive|archive]].*