![[joni-mitchell.jpg|250]] ## Album Reviews - **([[1968]]) Song to a Segull** - Bad. Dull. Nothing going on here. Just mildly meh acoustic music that the 1960’s probably had hundreds of albums of. [[3/10]] - [[2020-05-10]] - **([[1969]]) Clouds** - Still not great. There’s a pretty meek original version of “Both Sides Now”. But this is merely okay. [[4/10]] - [[2020-05-10]] - **([[1970]]) Ladies of the Canyon** - Much better. Starting to find her voice and it’s less just mindless guitar strumming. There’s some music starting to happen here. [[7/10]] - [[2020-05-10]] - **([[1971]]) Blue** - Very good. Utterly beautiful, though slightly repetitive. [[8/10]] - **([[1972]]) For the Roses** - Listenable but forgettable. [[4/10]] - **([[1974]]) Court and Spark** - Okay. A couple of niceish songs. Nothing special. [[6/10]] - [[2020-05-13]] - **([[1982]]) Wild Things Run Fast** - 80’s crap mostly. Pretty boring. [[3/10]] - **([[1985]]) Dog Eat Dog** - More 80’s crap. [[3/10]] - **([[1991]]) Night Ride Home** - Surprised by this. Out of the 80’s finally. This is pretty darn good. Almost every song has that 90’s nostalgic sound I love so much. I would listen to this album again, for sure. And all the way through. [[7/10]] - **([[1998]]) Taming the Tiger** - This has that similar 90's nostalgic sound like "Night Ride Home". However, literally every song sounds the same! It's a mildly nice sound, I guess. But it's just way too same-y. [[4/10]] - [[2020-11-23]]